Key Learnings from Our Industry Training    

partners 2 innovate consultants have completed an inspiring and insightful 4-day training session with Arsenin Rodriguez, focused on the Aerospace & Defense (A&D) and High-Tech & Electronics industries. The experience was enriching and filled with valuable lessons. Here’s a recap of our journey.

Context Matters  

We kicked off by exploring why understanding the specifics of the industries we serve is crucial. Knowing the unique aspects of each industry helps understand our customers’ needs and requirements better and allows us to advice and tailor Enterprise Software more effectively.  

It became clear that without understanding the business and industry context implementing and optimizing CloudSuites functionality is impossible. In lively discussions many different examples and business cases were discussed, and consultants shared their experiences. 

INFOR LNCE Functionality Mastery and Storytelling 

During the third day the teams focused on crucial functionalities and the art of storytelling. The rich functional depth of the LN CloudSuite for HighTech was presented and analyzed.  

How to present the functionality in the customers context and how to present the value of partners 2 innovate capabilities was discussed and examples of impactful presentations were given. 

What we learned 

The final day was hands-on. Split into teams, each tackling different assignments, presentations were prepared and presented. Our consultants walked away happy and enriched, understanding that the context is key, and the message must always be tailored to fit the context.  

Storytelling is an art and although we believe that all can learn this, some people are natural talents. And last but not least: It is all about the Customer!  

#ERP #AerospaceAndDefense #HighTech #Electronics #ProfessionalDevelopment #IndustryInsights #Storytelling